Thursday, October 18, 2007

How to deal with the in laws

Only two weeks to go until the due date and we’re both getting a little nervous. Every unusual movement of Tanya’s tummy might be the big contraction that provokes the mad rush to Pertuis hospital. In the meantime as local residents will have noticed our market stall is closed - Tanya is too tired and I’ve decided to start my paternity leave early, but if anyone is missing any of our wines, feel free to call up and order - the cave is still well stocked.

To keep our minds off the impending birth we’ve become tourists. We’ve lived in the shadow of Mont Saint Victoire - the imposing line of rock which dominates the skyline near Aix en Provence for nearly a year and like the impressionists before us we’ve marvelled at how the view changes with the season and time of day. Army camouflage experts should really study the place - even on a clear sunny day this enormous mass of rock can be invisible, somehow shrouding itself in its own shadow or alternatively appear just a few kilometres away with the fine detail of every crevice clearly discernable.

On Saturday we decided to get up close and personal, taking the route through Le Tholonet (the Primrose Hill of Aix en Provence full of gated villas and helicopter pads) towards Puyloubier. The road is stunning and Mont St Victoire doesn’t disappoint at close quarters.

Our trip also had a hidden bonus. Periodically we’re lumbered with unimaginative visitors. They stay for a week and shake their head at every suggestion - how about the Palais du Pape? Nah too historical; a trip to the coast? too windy - preferring to hang around disrupting our lives. Well now we’ve got another excursion for the list and the round trip to Aix along the edge of Mont St Victoire and back via Rians takes all day.

It’s perfect for the parents-in-law when they come and see the baby.

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